How the BrachyDOSE works

BrachyDOSE is made of two parts, the hardware and software. The radiation dose measurement tool called sensor (hardware), scanner to retrieve the data (hardware) and  injury prediction algorithm giving the decision support for doctor (software). The sensor is in a shape of flexible tube, is disposable and must be used at least one per treatment procedure. For one procedure 1 to 5 of them could be used according to doctors prescription and specific treatment plan.

Sensor is placed into one or a few standard implantable tubes near the tumour or at a specific place organ before radiotherapy treatment. Then, sensor measures the accurate radiation dose in a real time. The sensor is pulled out after the treatment and data retrieved by scanner. Decision support algorithm driven by machine learning provides the warning announcements if there are mis match in prescribed and delivered radiation doses. As well algorithm provides possibility of injuries, wounds, possible outcome of treatment. This data helps to prevent treatment error, to reduce overall treatment costs for hospitals and saves doctors time.

BrachyDOSE value to customer:

  • Saves medical personnel time
  • Reduces the overall costs per patient for treatment delivery 
  • Provides easy to fallow data for quality control and assurance routine